Civil Marriages

First Contact

I am available to discuss your wedding plans by telephone 7 Days a week 9am to 9pm.  While email is also a good way to discuss matters, often a personal phone chat or visit to your home can achieve a lot more for you.


My experience with over 7,000 ceremonies has firmed my policy of meeting you at least once at the place of the ceremony in the south coast region or the A.C.T.  This avoids location mix-ups, allows us to rehearse fully and be confident!

Documents may also be shown to me and the ceremony format finalised.  Others involved may attend.

Your Wedding Day

I will arrive 20-30 minutes beforehand to meet those assembled and check final arrangements.  I will provide a table, cloth and chairs for signing the register if necessary.  I meet with photographers, musicians, wedding planners and function managers to ensure we all work together for your memorable occasion.

Legal Requirements

Your marriage will be solemnised according to the Marriage Act 1961, which requires the following:

  1. Your Notice of Intended Marriage Form must be completed and lodged with me at least one month before the ceremony and no more than eighteen months before (advance diary bookings may be made).
  2. You must provide for sighting by me your birth certificates, or passports, ID and documentary proof of termination of any previous marriage (death certificate or final divorce certificate). Translations may be required. Consent forms are required of you if you are under 18 years of age.
  3. You must each sign a declaration before your marriage stating that you are free to marry and are not aware of any legal impediment to your marriage.
  4. You must provide two witnesses to your marriage at the ceremony, each to be over the age of 18 years.

Marriage Visas

For people arranging prospective marriage visas or marrying a person form overseas, I offer 40 years involvement with this aspect of marriage procedure.


These are based on fee advice provided by the Australian Federation of Civil Celebrants.  Fees are all-inclusive covering ceremonies in the region with provision for agreement on fees for ceremonies held more than 100km from my home.  Please inquire personally for more details.

Distance Arrangements
For interstate and international couples, I have arranged hundreds of ceremonies via telephone and email.  We can also use Facetime or Skype to communicate. These have always been successful and I assist with registration and certificates.

Same Sex Marriages

 As from 9 December 2017 under the new marriage equality laws I am able conduct same-sex marriages. In previous years I have been a celebrant for many couples for Commitment Ceremonies so this aspect of marriage is not new to me.